On New Year's Eve I finally got the fabric for the play lap quilt I planned to make for my bff's son's birthday this weekend! Not knowing what my week would hold (Diva's got walking pneumonia and Little Loo had a fierce cold) I dove right in on New Year's Day, and I'm pleased to say that I even managed to finish it today! I thought I would take this opportunity to do my first tutorial too. It's not the most amazing tutorial, but I hope it gets the job done. Feel free to ask any questions. I hope you enjoy.

I started out with a yard of Road Work by Evenspor which I picked up on
Spoonflower.com. Since I wanted the play mat to be small and compactable (is that even a word?) for traveling I cut the yard in half to 36"x 21". I then cut my sashing (
Get your kicks at Route 66 Signs- RED) to 3" strips (2- 21"x3" and 2- 42"x3"). Sew the sashings to the main panel, starting with the short sides.
That's the top. Pretty cinchy!
Next I layered the top with some batting and a backing fabric (mine was
Hot Rods Ride Again Cars- Green). I left the batting and backing slightly bigger in case there was some shifting during quilting. I used the roads to quilt the fabric, following along every stretch of the highway. It created this wonderful effect where the roads seemed to pop away from the grass-- very cool.

After everything was quilted I trimmed away the excess batting and backing fabric. Next was the binding. I used this great Lollipop binding from
Lollipops Designer Binding. I wish I could tell you which one it was, but they no longer seem to have it, and I can't recall the name.
Next it was time to create the bag. Using the same fabric as the backing (since you want the bag to match when it is all folded up) and a complimentary fabric (could be the same as the sashing, or a different contrasting color) cut both fabrics to the following dimensions. You'll have to bear with me since I didn't get any usable pictures for this part...

Once the fabric is cut, with right sides facing, sew along the outer edge leaving a 3" opening in the center of the bottom side. Turn that right side out and with the contrasting fabric out, make the corners of the bag by bringing the two 3" sides together so that they form one edge. Sew that edge together, and repeat on the other side. I found it to be easier sewing from the outer edge (ie: where the circles are) inward, but that might just be me.
Next we are going to make the straps. Using the sashing fabric (or contrasting fabric) cut 3.5"x22", fold in half with right sides together and sew along two of the sides, leaving one short side open so you can turn this out. Make two of these.
Attach one strap to the semi-finished bag with it's ends spaced about 7" apart, and extending about an 1.5" down. We'll wait to attach the other strap to the quilt once the bag is attached to be sure spacing is well matched.
Next attach the bag to the back of the quilt, matching sides together, in one corner of the quilt. Sew along the sides and bottom, leaving the top open. Next, add the second strap to the back of the quilt, equal in location to the strap on the bag. It might help to fold down the top edge of the bag and use that as a guideline. Be sure to use complimentary thread, or translucent thread, for these two steps so that you will not notice these seems as much. Then that's it. You're done!
Fold up and take with you, or open out and enjoy!