Monday, January 21, 2013

My first block in progress in quite some time!

So yesterday I finally took a little bit of me time in the morning, before my girls woke up, and began working on my skill building block. Based on the difficulty I had with choosing fabrics for this block, I'm going to assume-- or at least hope-- that this BOM will live up to it's name and actually build my skills. Here's what I got so far (and sorry for the crappy coloring of the picture)...

I can't quite seem to figure out whether these bars are in the "right" order or not. I think I'm just going to have to go with it.

Yesterday, Jen over at Quilter in the Closet posted about color theory with respect to the Skill Building BOM. It's nice to know I'm not the only one struggling with the concept. One of the things she did was pull her fabric and then examine it in grey scale to check her color values and contrast. I never thought of doing that, but what a great idea! So I hurried over to my selection photo and did just that. I have to say, I was really pleased. Since I'm still building my stash, and don't really have anything in the way of scraps I bought almost all of the fabric for this BOM. Here's my little test of how I did.

Here is my fabric collection for the project.

And here is the grey scale image of it. I'm actually pleased as punch. I guess my eye for color is better than I thought. My blues could have a couple of lighter values and my greens could have some darker ones, but overall, and for picking everything out on the fly in one shot, I think I did a job well done. 

Linking up with Heidi over at Fabric Mutt for Let's Get Acquainted Monday.


  1. Looks like a great selection of fabrics, I always find that difficult too. The block looks fab!

  2. Great to see your fabric selections and your progress with the blocks (I'm doing the Skill Builder BOM too). Popped over from P&J at Fabric Mutt, good to meet you :)

  3. This is a great idea for checking fabric value -- thanks so much for sharing!


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