
Sunday, May 19, 2013

Come one, come all and join the fun!

Little Loo just turned one!

 I can't believe my youngest angel has just turned one. I know I've been totally MIA over the last few weeks. Between Diva's Beauty and the Beast birthday extravaganza, the school auction and quilt, and getting ready for Loo's big 0-1, I've been a bit swamped! But I'm super excited to get to show you everything I've been working on!

Here are photos of my projects in no particular order. I created the pennant below to compliment the decor. It was super easy to make. I cut out triangles. Sewed them wrong sides together and then sewed them into extra-wide, double-fold bias tape. The quilt (if you remember) is the quilt I made before Loo was born. It just so happened to match! I also made some matching, no-sew, birthday hats. They were super easy and looked amazing.

 The next project were these home-made (or at least home-painted) faux carousel horses. These horses were made from old Radio Flyer spring mounted horses (and other similar products). I took the horses off the springs, spray painted them white, and then hand-painted their details. Before they were painted, my husband cut holes into them and fit them with PVC pipe, which was later painted to match.

There's one of those birthday hats I mentioned above. I also made the display for behind the cake from a giant canvas and some of those great party decoration fans.

And now, the cakes. When I decided that Loo's theme would be "vintage carousel" I knew I wanted to do just that for her cake. Wilton makes a carousel topper that I hand painted and inserted into the cake. I also placed the cake on a turntable so the carousel actually rotated.

Well, that's pretty much it. I hope you enjoyed what I created... I know Little Loo did!


  1. Hey I would love to re-create the carousel horses in your picture could you please tell me where I can find them?

  2. I would love to recreate the carousel horses for my daughters birthday, can u tell me where I can find them?

    1. Hi Kayla!
      I made those horses myself, they weren't too hard to make, but they were kind of a pain. Do you happen to live anywhere NJ? I'd be happy to sell you mine! If you want to know how to make them, let me know and I'll explain the process to you.

      I'm so glad you stopped by! I hope you will visit again soon.


I can't wait to hear from you!